
The Elephant in the Room: My Journey with PPD

The past few weeks have been rough. Actually, if I am being completely honest, the past few years have been rough. It wasn't until my second child was born a little over a year ago that I realized that I was suffering from postpartum depression. Looking back, I am almost certain that I had it with my first, but I never spoke up.

For such a long time I just didn't feel like myself. I was sad. I felt like I was carrying a heavy burden. I was shying away from the things that typically brought me joy. Every little thing would set me off. I wanted to avoid social interaction as much as I possibly could. I just thought that it was a phase of my life that would pass and that I would just suffer through until it did. One day, as I was sitting in my office pumping, I stumbled across a blogpost about postpartum.  It was like a light switch went off and I discovered the answer to years of otherwise unexplained emotions. I felt relieved to know that I was not the only one that felt this way.